"I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see." .................... (John Burroughs)


After Briptu Norman, Now Pepi Fernando

Almost two weeks ago, Briptu Norman name became a headline in various national media. And now, almost as well as the name of Pepi Fernando also, only difference if the 'headline' Briptu Norman positive direction, otherwise this 'headline' Fernando Pepi to the negative at him.

Now is the name of Pepi Fernando allegedly associated as mastermind bomber and bombs book Christ Church Cathedral in Serpong some time ago.

illustration bombs book (gosipgosipartis.com)

As with that expressed by the Police Headquarters Kabagpenum Komjen Pol Joey Boy Amar and Head of the National Agency for Combating Terrorism (BNPT) Ansyaad Mbai. Pepi had worked as a journalist and director. He never made a documentary about the tsunami disaster in Aceh. (AFP)

In the neighborhood (Kelurahan Pejuang, District Medan Satria, Bekasi West), Pepi was known as a closed, less sociable and rarely home. Residents also could be busy during arrest and know that Pepi is a member of a terrorist, even a mastermind of terror activity. (VIVAnews.com)


Anisayu Nastutik said...

Wowww, very nice blog :)

Herry said...

Thanks so much, Anisayu. You are the humble :)

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