Right now anyone who does not know Melinda D? So what to do with Citibank? Beautiful women, sexy body has been arrested by police in case of alleged embezzlement a Citibank customer. In fact, Citibank is the bank's top which is known to have high credibility in terms of safety and service.
How could it happen?
Apparently, Melinda D is a former Citibank Relationship Manager. As a Relationship Manager, of course she had a professional capacity in banking. In the action, Melinda manipulate the data, then transferring funds to accounts belonging to its corporate customers. With the ability of that, she managed to break into Citibank to 17 billion dollars.
In fact, for a Relationship Manager with Citibank, she got a salary of 70 million rupiah (according to his lawyer wandering sheds light on police). An amount not sedikt. However, because Melinda has a glamorous lifestyle, it might pay for it is not enough. Melinda glamorous life can be seen from what she has, namely a few luxury homes, luxury cars such as: Hammer-3 Luxury Sport Utility, Mercedes Benz S-200, and account number is not small.
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