"I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see." .................... (John Burroughs)


Briptu Norman Kamaru, Shahrukh Khan Competitors

Gorontalo Mobile Brigade (BRIMOB) unit members a unique and talented, Briptu Norman Kamaru now may have become serious competitors for Supertar Indian actor, Shahrukh Khan.

Since the action of Indian dancing and singing style, 'Chaiya Chaiya' owned by Shahrukh Khan in lipsync uploaded to youtube with the title 'Video Polisi Gorontalo Menggila ", suddenly became famous in cyberspace.

Indeed, the current Briptu Norman is reaping tremendous fame, who probably never suspected before by Norman. The action was originally just to entertain her friends who are no problems, could eventually reap tremendous positive results.

Recognized his parents, when Briptu Norman since childhood like the Indian songs. This is evidenced by Norman when interviewed by several private TV stations. With memorized, he sang several songs of Shahrukh Khan.

"Anyone who plants kindness no matter how small, will reap the rewards."

Congratulations to Briptu Norman Kamaru, competitors Shahrukh Khan!


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